Antwerp beard dwarf (old: Antwerp cheekbones)
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(Barbu d'Anvers), (Antwerpse bardkriel) |
There are a total of twenty-one colors of this chicken, the quail-colored ones are a special feature. They and the variations in this color are a specialty of Belgian chickens. These bantams are calm, become very trusting and are highly mobile.
As a breed characteristic, there should be a lot of body in front of the mostly blue-colored runs (exception cuckold, genetically determined flesh-colored) and as little as possible behind (2 thirds to 1 third). These rose-combed chickens also have full whiskers and goatees. Therefore, the soft food should not be mushy in order to avoid sticking the beard and consequently feather pecking. These are uncomplicated to keep and diligently lay eggs that are very large for their height.
Closely related breeds are the cultivator bearded dwarfs (tailless Antwerp), Ukkeler bearded dwarfs (feather-footed and single-combed), Everberger bearded dwarfs (tailless ukkeler), Watermaal beard dwarfs (with forehead, three-part beard and triple thorn of the rose comb) and Bosvoorder tailless bearded dwarfs (tailless waders). In Germany, only the three tailed variants are currently recognized.
Recognized colors: (as of 2014)
Black, white, red, yellow, pearl gray, Gesperbert, blue-lined, silver-black lined, quail-colored, blue-quail-colored, silver-quail-colored, pearl-gray-silver-quail-colored, yellow-black columbia, yellow-blue columbia, white-black columbia, gold-necked, blue Gold-necked, silver-necked, red-saddled, black-and-white-pecked, pearl-gray-white-pecked, gold-porcelain-colored, Isabell-porcelain-colored, yellow with white spots.
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